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Students from 2011 and 2012 spoke up


                                    cheryl Cheryl Maxwell

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that made this course possible. Thanks for all the help that was exchanged. May your dreams be fulfilled. May God bless you and guide you in the future. I will surely miss all of you. To the good Samaritan who always brings us eats on a Wednesday, A GREAT THANKS TO YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. To the people who have devotions with us on a Wednesday morning: Thank you for sharing with us.”

Lorraine Ngoshi :lorraine ngoshi

“I came to South Africa in December 2011 I got to know about FCD this year. The staff is very kind, humble and friendly. I have acquired knowledge and have learnt how to socialize with people. I am very grateful for what FCD have done for me. They go the extra mile for every individual regardless of their background. Thank you FCD for giving me this opportunity.”

marissaMarissa-Mahmoodah Janes (Office administration):

“I would like to thank each and every one who helped me gain what I’ve learned here, everybody who made it worthwhile, I enjoyed every moment being here and I am going to miss the students and FCD staff. I grew to love you all. FCD, keep it up and help people. You guys helped me and I am very grateful. I now know more than I used to know. THANKS!”

Zenodean Grootboom:P1050752

 “I want to share how much FCD meant to me in such a short time. I learned so much about others and their culture and their different believes. We helped one another and we learned to work in groups and  pray for one another, But the most important tool I learned is to trust in GOD in all times. I want to thank you FCD from the bottom of my heart because you did not just teach me to become the best office administrator, but made me realize that God is everything. Now I can be the best and not just good but good enough.

 carleneCarlene Kleynhans:

“I live in Durbanville and have three kids the first time I registered at FCD was to know more about computers. I started with life skills and basic computers. What I learnt in life skills opened my eyes on how I lived my life every day and with people around me. On how I can become a better person for someone out there without giving money but just be yourself and give five minutes of your time to listen to them. Especially the devotions   talks that they have for you in the mornings I learn so much that I have a better outlook in life and that GOD never gives up on me .The best thing that happen here was when Grant Hopkins on 24/07/2012 give us a talk about how you can always count on GOD whatever obstacles may come in your way he is always there for and he will never give up on you.”

Antoinette Serene:anotinette

“I live in Fisantekraal. I Have I child and I live with my mother.

The first time at FCD I learn more about other people and their culture, where they come from and more about their background, how to communicate with others and appreciate one another. What it takes to work in a group and also to respect each other. We pray for each other through difficult circumstances. I was taught how to improve your skills in different courses, how to get and keep your job. I came to FCD to learn more about office administration and I learn more than just that. I started to find myself in God and I also accept that God is everything and with His power I can move forward with the love and grace of God. I want to thank FCD for everything they have done for me which made me a better person.”

teaganTeagan Max Nolan:

 “I’m 19 years old and I had no idea that FCD will be so awesome! I’ve learnt a lot here from FCD and I’m not talking about the courses alone. Everyone here is more than great and has such a good heart for other people and great love for the Lord as well. In the time that I have spent here I have rubbed off from some off their love and care for others and for the Lord himself

I did the life skills course and the basics computers course and I started with the advanced computers course – but I didn’t finish it. .

I came back in July and the first thing Marguerite said to me was: “Are you here to finish up?”

I was so happy that she asked before I had the chance to ask. I immediately went and sat down and started finishing up my course.

I want to thank everyone here at FCD for the awesome support and faith in me to finish what I have started – and I’m am honestly VERY grateful for all that u girls did for me

Many thanks, Teagan Nolan. God bless.”

Babalwa Xakwa:babalwa

“I am 22 years old. I live in Khayalitsha. Being at FCD made me acknowledge many things. Today I know more about living with different people, about God and what I need to succeed in life. FCD was always there for me in hard times they made me talk about and be strong. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be who I am today. Now I know my strong points and my weak points. I thank you God for combining me with FCD. I felt welcome and appreciated, I was part of a  good family where my problems were solved for me.”