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Placement News

We are encouraged to see how our students are reaping the rewards of the training opportunity provided to them.

Micaela Miller, promoted to Supervisor at Milady’s Parow

Michaela Miller Office Basics graduateMichaela participated in the Jumpstart Programme at Milady’s after completing the Job Readiness and Office Basics training at the end of 2015. She was soon offered an employment contract at Milady’s Parow store. Little more than a year later, Micaela has been promoted to a supervisory position at the store. Shirley Arendse, the Store manager confirmed that it was Micaela’s interest in everything she was doing that caused her to recognise Micaela’s potential. She say’s that Micaela was always trying to figure out how things work and was genuinely interested in learning more.
Micaela said that the training she received also played a role in her success. ‘Especially the customer service training in job readiness. Even the call centre skills taught me a lot about having empathy with customers and speaking with a good tone of voice”.
Asked what she would tell students looking to build a successful career, Micaela responded:
“you may feel as though you’re in a dark place, but stay motivated, grit your teeth and smile.”

Msa Joyi, promoted to Housekeeping Supervisor, City Lodge GrandWest

Msa JoyiMsa took leave from his Housekeeping job at the Bellville City Lodge to attend the Job Readiness course in August 2016. Msa joined us at the Plaasfees  recently and shared the good news of his promotion to Housekeeping Supervisor at the Grand West City Lodge.

Elzan Manuel, Filing Clerk

Elzan from Wallacedene Kraaifontein was given the opportunity as a Shiloh intern to participate in our Office Basics training programme.

She was appointed as a Filing Clerk at Bachelor & Associates Attorneys.

Wendy Capa benefitting from her Call Centre skills

Wendy worked part-time at Debonairs while doing her Office Basics training. She continues to work at Debonairs and says that the Call Centre training has been extremely helpful to her in improving the service that she gives to the customers.

Berenice Julies employed as Cashier at Brights

Berenice JuliesBerenice has been employed as Cashier at Brights Hardware Uitzicht. She completed the Office Basics Course and is hoping that the experience she gains in this job will place her in good stead to achieve her dream of working in an administrative position.

Gershwin Johnson’s computer skills supporting his career growth

Gershwin JohnssonGershwin has been working for IT Cape & Copiers for almost a year now. He believes that the computer skills he acquired at FCD has set him apart at work and has provided him with the opportunity of being skilled as a copier technician. Gershwin, aka Pastor, came to class with tailored shirt and bowtie daily filled with dreams and aspirations of becoming a Springbok rugby player. He currently plays rugby at the Fisantekraal Club and Sevens team.

Adam Roof making a strong come-back

Adam RoofAdam worked in construction till 2013 when he started batting with emotional disorders leading to him spending more than 2 years at home, Adam heard that Mould Empower Serve were offering unemployed people opportunities to earn an income. He joined them and started working as a general worker and street cleaner.
In November 2016 MES sponsored his participation in FCD’s job readiness programme so that he could be equipped to become more independent and find himself employment better suited to his skills and talents.Adam visited us last week, with a great big smile and broad shoulders. He has recently been employed by Shoprite Durbanville Trolley management.
He says that although a friend connected him to this job, being at FCD has provided him with valuable skills and knowledge and that his computer skills gives him a leading edge in the workplace which will lead to promotional opportunities.

Hildegard Erasmus, embraces an opportunity

Hildegard ErasmusHildegard accepted a position as tea-girl/cleaner at Brights Uitzicht after completing the Job Readiness programme. She knows that doing well in this job will lead to further opportunities within this organisation.

Adrian West, General Worker, Carelson transport

Before coming to FCD Adrian used to work as an operator at a Compost Manufacturing company. On completion of the Job Readiness course, Adrian said: “at FCD you don’t just get prepared for work. You learn pretty much about yourself and the way you need to work and behave. The training really impacted my life. I’ve met a bunch of great people with the most amazing personalities who have really inspired me.”

Nkupane Ntswane still reaching for his dreams

Nkupane Ntswane still reaching for his dreamsNkupane has remained a close friend and loyal ambassador of FCD since working his way through all FCD’s courses in 2013. He regularly encourages  young people from the Klipheuwel community to take advantage of the training opportunities at FCD to upskill themsemselves.

We are pleased to see that Nkupane continues to build on his skills. In 2016 Andre Esterhuisen offered him a tent-making opportunity in the form of an internship at Nexct Accounting & Tax – doing administration and SARS efiling. The flexibility of his hours as an intern allows Nkupane to pursue his passion for ministering to the youth in Klipheuwel through his sports ministry, youth outreach & Bible studies and holiday clubs. Nkupane says that he has made some serious mistakes in his job, but he has learned some valuable lessons in the process. Andre Esterhuisen, his manager, sees him as a committed well-rounded young man whom he would like to see achieving his full potential.

Lunga Maki, Shop assistant, Spiro’s Mica

After completing the Job Readiness training, Lunga completed his job shadow assignment at Spiro’s Mica Hardware store. We are thrilled to hear that he has subsequently been appointed by the store as a general assistant based in the receiving department. Lunga’s versitality makes him suitable to work in all areas of the store, including relieving as a sales consultant.

Interestingly, Lunga said that his time at FCD “was a good experience. I gained a lot of experience and I feel ready to go into any retail store now and I know I will be able to do anything because I got the needed training for a retail job”.