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Our Job Readiness learners give feedback about how the training impacted their lives


Cindy  Fritz        2015/10/16

The training is informative and insightful.      Made me do introspection and reconsider my Christian values.  I always knew that everybody has a story, but I’ve realised there is so much pain out there and that my problems are not that bad.

I’ve learned that the way in which u resolve conflict affects the outcome.; that I need to be friendly, knowledgeable and patient with all people. When you have a common goal, you work together better to help each other achieve that goal.

Siyabnga Nyaniso  2015/10/16

I dropped out of school earlier this year. Being at FCD has motivated me to go back to school to finish my matric. I learnt a lot while I was here and enjoyed interacting with the older students.

DSC02072Khayakazi Mbiza 2005/10/16

There is so much to learn besides the basic computer skills. I have  discovered another side of myself. I have been set free of my past.

Janine Matwan 2015/10/16        

It was my stepping stone into getting my life into order as a more confident and goal driven person.         It made me realise that whatever you want you are going to need the blessing of the almighty God  . I also realised that my life struggles are nothing compared to others.

I want to work towards getting a better job and now have more confidence to speak my mind and do what I want, while also respecting the feelings of others      . I realise that I need to be  more open to new things.


Joanne Januarie 2015/10/16      

I learned a lot  about everything that I came to learn. I realise that my life has much more instore for me and that other people’s life story is bad as mine.


Chania Hugo     2015/10/16        

This is a good place to learn the basics of a job. I also know how important my vote is; how to handle your money ; take better care of the earth by reusing and recycling; To respect your team members and the value of growing spiritually.


Ntomiseng, Firdows, Cameron & Maurisha

Firdows Adams   2015/09/18

I found out at this age who and what I am in life. This will actually help me more in my workplace. I am confident in my ability to search for jobs, submit my cv and go for interviews.

Cameron Roodman 2015/09/18

I will recommend it to young people. I learned that I must admit my problems to God, and it really inspired me to stand up for what I want to do in life, not to sit back and just receive.

I was shy and I also didn’t have confidence. I also stutter but I have gained a lot of confidence now. I thank FCD for that.

Maurisha Gideons   2015/09/18

I made a lot of changes by the way I handle family issues. I take time now to speak to my boyfriend and kids about the wonders of God. This centre has given me light that I know who I am and what I want in life.

Ntomiseng Kasibe  2015/09/18

I have improved my ability to communicate with people in English and customer service. I feel strong and proud of myself.

Zanda Limba  2015/09/18

Being at FCD helped me to know who I am and what I want in life what  are my values. I enjoyed sharing ideas and exchanging advice with aothers



DSC01985Hillary Konstabel   2015/09/18

This place can give you a opportunity to become something in life. It may start small but you can grow if you accept the help that’s available. I feel ready to face the world and am not alone anymore God is with me.

Simone Marnewick   2015/09/18

Being at FCD helps you to upgrade your skills and get to know your inner self. The impact was great it taught me that I must always stay in touch with the LORD. I did not know how to set my goals, and it was the first thing I have learnt here.


Victoria Ndlokolo  2015/09/18

You learn lot more than just preparing you for a job. The environment encourages you to grow. I personally became more mature, learned how to deal with conflict and to communicate in way that really matters in life.

DSC01987Jacqueline Fortune   2015/09/18

This is a great organization. The trainers are very professional. All subjects are well organized and put together for all to understand. I found that there are people that goes through the same things as me, and I am not alone. Here at FCD I got encouragement, faith and hope for my future. 


Kaylon Zas   2015/09/18

I learned to stay positive and to believe in myself and that I need to make time for the people in your life otherwise conflict arises.

Charlene Lubbe     2015/03/09

Helped me a lot with self-esteem and how to communicate with people. I was pleased to learn how you can budget and to prepare myself for a job. Being at FCD has helped me to gain experience and build my self confidence.

Sylvia Maarman   2015/08/31

I learned more than what I expected to. If you going through something emotional you will find being here very healing.

DSC01868 DSC01883   Elvira Hugo 2015/08/28

I’ve received more than my money’s worth for what I’ve signed up for. I feel competent to market myself again. I do not see a helpless little kitten when I look into the mirror anymore. My confidence is greatly improved and I will stop me selling myself short. I feel encouraged to become part of the working sector.

Cindey Goliath  2015/08/28              

Bring out your self esteem and how to find the self confidence in yourself as person again.

Bianca Ehrke 2015/08/28

They have a very hands on approach. The practical sessions are fun and informative. The training taught me a lot of skills and techniques on how not to land up in predicaments.

Faith Kosi  2015/08/28              

Greatly improved my relationship with God. It made such a huge difference in my spiritual life. I now have a high self esteem.


Charmaine Saaiers 2015/08/28

It helped me to have better relationships and to be an active member of my community.

DSC01975Natley Erasmus  2015/08/28

I learnt a lot about the Bible that I didn’t know.

Regginald Field  2015/08/28

I am very very excited about what I found here. This has been a wonderful experience for me. I always wished for a place of learning where so many underprivileged people could be helped. I find this place an oasis in a desert.