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Frail Care training in demand

DSC02316This year we have experienced an influx of candidates with a desire to participate in the Frail Care training. An encouraging trend to witness is that so many young people have a heart to care for others – and in so doing offering respect and dignity so desperately sought by the frail or incapacitated. Many of the candidates have had some experience caring for their loved ones at home and wish to gain the knowledge and skill to provide more effective caring.
The theory covered is of a very high standard and requires dedication and hard-work by the students who need to achieve a 60% pass mark (for theory and practical assessments) in order to participate in the 5 week work-experience training.
DSC02557Natasha Ronald (34) from Kraaifontein said that she was amazed by her ability to learn as much as she has during the theory part of the training. Felica Davids (18) fresh from high school in Wesbank said that she found all the studying extremely demanding and challenging. She said: “dit was ‘n klomp werk, meer as op die skool. Dit was moeilik! Ek voel verlig dat dit klaar is. Ek is jonk, mar ek voel nou gereed om te begin werk”.

Barbara Marbe (47) from Scottsville, shared the following “Ek het bitter lank laas geleer. Die DSC02630opleiding was vir my ‘n groot opwindinde ondervinding. Al die nuwe woorde en skryfwerk was vir my baie uitdagend. Ek wil graag iets bekom in die lewe en het aanvaar dat ek vir die toetse moet voorberei as ek ‘n verandering in my lewe wil maak. Ek het ook ‘n groot verandering in my lewe as moeder in die huis gemaak. Ek kon vir my kinders leer wat ek geleer het – en was te opgewonde oor al die nuwe kennis om stil te bly daaroor. Ek voel baie trots op wat ek bereik het”.

DSC02306Chante Langenhoven (21) from Ravensmead said that she is grateful that Fisantekraal Centre for Development has invested in her life and that she now wants to make a diffrence in the life of others.While this course ensures that the learners work through all the physiological knowledge needed, it also fDSC02608ully equips students through regular practical demonstrations and exercises – both in the classroom and at various frail care institutions.


Despite the challenges faced over the 6 week training period like finding taxi fare to get to class daily, full days of lectures, evenings filled with household chores, studies and assignment completion, the 10 learners perserDSC02302vered and celebrated successfully completing the theoretical component of their training before heading off for their 5 week practical at Huis Boland, Aristea, DSC02621Ravensig and Green Pastures.




